Are products labelled "Free of MSG" healthier?
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) has been linked to many health issues such as obesity, increased blood pressure, fatty liver, worsening blood sugar and cholesterol level. In some cases, allergy-like symptoms such as headache, palpitation, wheezing were observed in individuals that are more sensitive to MSG.

Many products are labelled with 'no MSG added'. Are these products really safer and free from MSG? You can decide for yourself by reading their food label. Look out for other names of MSG which includes:-
Glutamic Acid (E 620)
Glutamate (E 620)
Monosodium Glutamate (E 621)
Monopotassium Glutamate (E 622)
Calcium Glutamate (E 623)
Monoammonium Glutamate (E 624)
Magnesium Glutamate (E 625)
Natrium Glutamate
Yeast Extract
Anything “hydrolyzed”
Any “hydrolyzed protein”
Calcium Caseinate
Sodium Caseinate
Yeast Food
Yeast Nutrient
Autolyzed Yeast
Textured Protein
Soy Protein / Concentrate / Isolate
Whey Protein / Concentrate / Isolate
After reading through this non-exhaustive list, you might be having the same thought, "It's almost impossible to find anything that's free from MSG aka flavor enhancers!".
However, do not be discouraged. You can minimize intake of these flavor enhancers by opting for the least processed products, or choose fresh ingredients and cook at home with natural seasonings whenever possible.